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Lets Stay Safe

There is nothing more important to me than the safety of you and your family, and the safety of my own family.

Current Victorian restrictions do not allow me to photograph weddings or families.

As per the latest Victorian roadmap easing of restrictions could see me back behind the camera capturing your memories again by October 26th 2021.

As per requirements by DHHS, This Covid Safe Plan is in accordance with current Victorian restrictions and public health advise. These are the measures I am required to take to keep you safe during your photography session and allow me to work again.

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COVID Safe Plan

Business name: Cassandra Faye Photography
ABN: 52 600 833 942
Plan completed by: Cassandra Van der Heyden
Date reviewed: 22nd October 2020


Covid Safe Measures



Both the photographer and client are to remain at least 1.5 meters apart during our session. Sorry no hugs and hand shakes!

Only members of the same house hold can be photographed together.



Hands and Camera gear will be washed and sterilised prior to every session.

Hand and Cough hygiene will be maintained by both the Photographer and Clients throughout the session.
No props, wraps or rugs will be supplied by the photographer until further notice.



A face mask will be worn by the photographer at all times when required.
People over the age of 12 having their photograph taken may remove their facemask for the purpose of the photography and resume wearing once the photography is complete. This is in accordance with the Stay at Home Directives (Restricted Areas) Subclause 7(s) that states a face covering can be removed “to the extent that it is not reasonably practicable to receive the service wearing a face covering”



The importance of not attending and rescheduling if unwell will be reinforced and is applicable to both the client and the photographer. In the event the client or their guest come in contact with a person with coronavirus (Covid-19) they will notify the photographer immediately and will not schedule a photography session until they have received a negative test result.
In the event the photographer comes in contact with a person with coronavirus (Covid-19), WorkSafe Victoria will be notified immediately on 13 23 60 and all contact details collected will be provided.

Any exposure to coronavirus (Covid-19) will result in the closure of this business until it is declared safe to re-open by the relevant authorities.



Indoor photography is not permitted under the current restrictions, Outdoor photography only.


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If you have any questions or would like to make an enquiry or booking  please contact me here.

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